
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Two DC motors control with NEC IR remote control

After controlling 2 DC motors speed and direction of rotation with 2 potentiometers, now let's make the same project but with IR remote control. First project is at the link below:
Two motors control using PIC16F887 and L293D
The microcontroller used in this project is PIC16F887 and the remote control is Car MP3 IR remote control which uses NEC protocol. Decoding of this remote control with PIC16F887 is done in the following project:
NEC Protocol decoder with PIC16F887 microcontroller
In this project 6 buttons are used for controlling the speed and rotation direction of the 2 motors, these buttons are shown in the following image:
Car MP3 NEC remote control button codes
The code of each button are as shown in the following table (these codes will be used later in the C code):

Button Number
Motor 1 Start/Toggle direction
Motor 1 speed down
Motor 1 speed up
Motor 2 Start/Toggle direction
Motor 2 speed down
Motor 2 speed up

Hardware Required:
  • PIC16F887 microcontroller
  • 2 x DC motor (I used 12V motors)
  • L293D motor driver
  • NEC IR remote control (I'm using Car MP3 as the one above)
  • IR receiver
  • 10K ohm resistor
  • 47µF capacitor
  • 5V and 12V voltage sources
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
Two DC motors control with NEC IR remote control and PIC16F887 circuit:
Remote controlled 2 DC motors using PIC16F887 and L293D circuit
As shown in the circuit diagram the IR receiver output is connected to RB0 pin which is external interrupt pin of the PIC16F887 microcontroller.
The L293D IC is used to drive both motors in the two directions, the speed of the two motors is controlled the two PWM signals which come from the microcontroller. PWM1 controls motor 1 speed and PWM2 controls motor 2 speed. Motor 1 direction is controlled with IN1 and IN2 pins of the L293D, these pins are connected to RD0 and RD1 of the PIC16F887. Motor 2 is controlled with pin IN3 and IN4 of the L293D, IN3 is connected to RD2 and IN4 is connected to RD3 of the microcontroller. When IN1 = IN2 = 0, motor 1 stops, when IN1 = 1 and IN2 = 0 motor 1 moves in the first direction, when IN1 = 0 and IN2 = 1 motor 1 moves in the second direction. The same thing for motor 2 with pins IN3 and IN4.
The 10K ohm resistor is used to minimize the IR receiver output noise.
In the circuit there are two voltage sources, one with 5V which supplies most of the circuit and the other one with 12V which supplies only the L293D IC. The 12V source depends on the motors nominal voltage.
In this project the PIC16F887 uses its internal oscillator and MCLR pin function is disabled.

Two DC motors control with NEC IR remote control CCS C code:
Project C code is as shown below. It has been tested with CCS PIC C compiler version 5.051.
PIC16F887 hardware external interrupt and Timer1 are used to decode the IR remote control. Timer1 is used to measure pulses and spaces widths and its interrupt (Timer1 interrupt) is used to reset the decoding process in case of very long pulse or space (time out). Timer1 is configured to increment every 1µs using the following command line:
setup_timer_1( T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_2 );
But Timer1 module will not start until the microcontroller receives an interrupt on pin RB0 (interrupt edge from high to low).
The motor speed changes whenever the duty cycle of the PWM signal changes, and thus if the microcontroller receives speed up button code it will increment the duty cycle, then motor speed will be increased, and if the microcontroller receives speed down button code, the duty cycle will be decreased which causes the motor to decrease its speed.
At start up , both motors are stopped because all PORTD pins are zeroes with the command output_d(0); and when start/toggle direction button is pressed, the motor will start (if there is sufficient duty cycle otherwise the duty cycle have to be increased), and the same button pressed again the motor will change its direction of rotation.
The full C code is shown below.
// 2 Motors control with NEC IR remote control CCS C code
// Used MCU: PIC16F887
// Internal oscillator used @ 8MHz
// Used remote control: Car MP3 IR remote control
// PWM1 and PWM2 modules are used to control motor 1 and motor 2 speeds respectively

#include <16F887.h>
#use delay(clock = 8MHz)

short nec_ok = 0, repeated = 0, m1_dir = 0, m2_dir = 0;
unsigned int8 nec_state = 0, i, duty1 = 0, duty2 = 0;
unsigned int32 nec_code;
#INT_EXT                                         // External interrupt
void ext_isr(void){
  unsigned int16 time;
  if(nec_state != 0){
    time = get_timer1();                         // Store Timer1 value
    set_timer1(0);                               // Reset Timer1
    case 0 :                                     // Start receiving IR data (we're at the beginning of 9ms pulse)
      setup_timer_1( T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_2 );   // Enable Timer1 module with internal clock source and prescaler = 2
      set_timer1(0);                             // Reset Timer1 value
      nec_state = 1;                             // Next state: end of 9ms pulse (start of 4.5ms space)
      i = 0;
      ext_int_edge( L_TO_H );                    // Toggle external interrupt edge
    case 1 :                                     // End of 9ms pulse
      if((time > 9500) || (time < 8500)){        // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
        nec_state = 0;                           // Reset decoding process
        setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);              // Stop Timer1 module
        nec_state = 2;                           // Next state: end of 4.5ms space (start of 562µs pulse)
      ext_int_edge( H_TO_L );                    // Toggle external interrupt edge
    case 2 :                                     // End of 4.5ms space
      if((time > 5000) || (time < 1500)){        // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
        nec_state = 0;                           // Reset decoding process
        setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);              // Stop Timer1 module
      nec_state = 3;                             // Next state: end of 562µs pulse (start of 562µs or 1687µs space)
      if(time < 3000)                            // Check if previous code is repeated
        repeated = 1;
      ext_int_edge( L_TO_H );                    // Toggle external interrupt edge
    case 3 :                                     // End of 562µs pulse
      if((time > 700) || (time < 400)){          // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
        nec_state = 0;                           // Reset decoding process
        setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);              // Disable Timer1 module
        // Check if the repeated code is for buttons 2, 3, 5 or 6
        if(repeated && (nec_code == 0x40BF807F || nec_code == 0x40BF40BF ||
                        nec_code == 0x40BFA05F || nec_code == 0x40BF609F)){
          repeated = 0;
          nec_ok = 1;                            // Decoding process is finished with success
          disable_interrupts(INT_EXT);           // Disable the external interrupt
        nec_state = 4;                           // Next state: end of 562µs or 1687µs space
        ext_int_edge( H_TO_L );                  // Toggle external interrupt edge
    case 4 :                                     // End of 562µs or 1687µs space
      if((time > 1800) || (time < 400)){         // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
        nec_state = 0;                           // Reset decoding process
        setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);              // Disable Timer1 module
      if( time > 1000)                           // If space width > 1ms (short space)
        bit_set(nec_code, (31 - i));             // Write 1 to bit (31 - i)
      else                                       // If space width < 1ms (long space)
        bit_clear(nec_code, (31 - i));           // Write 0 to bit (31 - i)
      if(i > 31){                                // If all bits are received
        nec_ok = 1;                              // Decoding process is finished with success
        disable_interrupts(INT_EXT);             // Disable the external interrupt
      nec_state = 3;                             // Next state: end of 562µs pulse (start of 562µs or 1687µs space)
      ext_int_edge( L_TO_H );                    // Toggle external interrupt edge
#INT_TIMER1                                      // Timer1 interrupt (used for time out)
void timer1_isr(void){
  nec_state = 0;                                 // Reset decoding process
  ext_int_edge( H_TO_L );                        // External interrupt edge from high to low
  setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);                    // Disable Timer1 module
  clear_interrupt(INT_TIMER1);                   // Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
void main(){
  setup_oscillator(OSC_8MHZ);                    // Set internal oscillator to 8MHz
  enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);                     // Enable global interrupts
  enable_interrupts(INT_EXT_H2L);                // Enable external interrupt
  clear_interrupt(INT_TIMER1);                   // Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
  enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER1);                 // Enable Timer1 interrupt
  setup_timer_2(T2_DIV_BY_16, 255, 1);           // Set PWM frequency to 488Hz
  setup_ccp1(CCP_PWM);                           // Configure CCP1 module as PWM
  setup_ccp2(CCP_PWM);                           // Configure CCP2 module as PWM
  set_pwm1_duty(0);                              // Set PWM1 duty sycle
  set_pwm2_duty(0);                              // Set PWM2 duty sycle
    if(nec_ok){                                  // If the MCU receives a message from the remote control
      nec_ok = 0;                                // Reset decoding process
      nec_state = 0;
      setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);                // Disable Timer1 module
      // Motor 1
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF00FF && m1_dir){      // If button 1 is pressed (toggle rotation direction of motor 1)
        m1_dir = 0;
        nec_code = 0;
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF00FF && !m1_dir){      // If button 1 is pressed (toggle rotation direction of motor 1)
        m1_dir = 1;
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF40BF && duty1 < 255){ // If button 3 is pressed (increase motor 1 speed)
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF807F && duty1 > 0){   // If button 2 is pressed (decrease motor 1 speed)
      // Motor 2
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF20DF && m2_dir){      // If button 4 is pressed (toggle rotation direction of motor 2)
        m2_dir = 0;
        nec_code = 0;
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF20DF && !m2_dir){     // If button 4 is pressed (toggle rotation direction of motor 2)
        m2_dir = 1;
      if(nec_code == 0x40BF609F && duty2 < 255){ // If button 6 is pressed (increase motor é speed)
      if(nec_code == 0x40BFA05F && duty2 > 0){   // If button 5 is pressed (decrease motor 2 speed)
      enable_interrupts(INT_EXT_H2L);            // Enable external interrupt
The following video shows a hardware circuit of our project: