This small article shows an RTOS example using PIC16F887 microcontroller and CCS PIC C compiler.
In this example we've 5 LEDs connected to the PIC16F887 microcontroller as shown in the circuit below. It is designed that the 5 LEDs are blinking but each one has its blinking frequency.
In this example the PIC16F887 MCU uses its internal oscillator which is configured in the software @ 4MHz and MCLR pin function is disabled.
RTOS Example with PIC16F887 microcontroller CCS C code:
As mentioned above our RTOS has 5 LEDs with different frequencies (periods = 1/frequency).
The first LED which is connected to RB0 pin has the following task with a period of 500ms (250ms x 2):
#task(rate = 250ms, max = 50ms)
void led1(){
The same thing for the other LEDs.
In CCS C compiler the RTOS is configured using the following line:
#use rtos(timer = 0, minor_cycle = 50ms)
Here Timer0 is selected for the RTOS but other timers (Timer1 or Timer2) can also be used.
The complete C code is the one below.
// RTOS example for PIC16F887 with CCS PIC C compiler // PIC16F887 internal oscillator used @ 4MHz // Timer0 is used for the RTOS // // #include <16F887.h> #fuses NOMCLR, NOBROWNOUT, NOLVP, INTRC_IO #use delay(clock = 4MHz) #use fast_io(B) #use rtos(timer = 0, minor_cycle = 50ms) #task(rate = 250ms, max = 50ms) // 1st RTOS task (executed every 250ms) void led1(){ output_toggle(PIN_B0); } #task(rate = 500ms, max = 50ms) // 2nd RTOS task (executed every 500ms) void led2(){ output_toggle(PIN_B1); } #task(rate = 750ms, max = 50ms) // 3rd RTOS task (executed every 750ms) void led3(){ output_toggle(PIN_B2); } #task(rate = 1000ms, max = 50ms) // 4th RTOS task (executed every 1000ms) void led4(){ output_toggle(PIN_B3); } #task(rate = 1250ms, max = 50ms) // 5th RTOS task (executed every 1250ms) void led5(){ output_toggle(PIN_B4); } void main(){ setup_oscillator(OSC_4MHZ); // Set the internal oscillator to 8MHz output_b(0); // All PORTB register pins are zeros set_tris_b(0); // Configure PORTB pins as outputs rtos_run(); // Start all the RTOS tasks }The following video shows Proteus simulation of the RTOS example:
Proteus simulation file can be downloaded from the following link: