
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Interfacing PIC16F887 with LCD display

PIC16F887 LCD Example (Hello world!)
A hardware circuit of PIC16F887 microcontroller with 16x2 and 20x4 LCD displays
This post shows a simple example for interfacing PIC16F887 microcontroller with 16x2 and 20x4 LCDs using CCS C compiler. CCS C has a driver which allows us to control LCDs that have HD44780 or compliant controller.
Required Components:
  • PIC16F887 Microcontroller
  • 1602 (16x2) or 2004 (20x4) or any LCD compatible with HD44780 controller
  • 10K Potentiometer
  • 0.1µF Ceramic capacitor (optional)
  • +5V Power source
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
Interfacing PIC16F887 with LCD display circuit:
Circuit diagram of the example is shown below.
PIC16F887 Interfacing with LCD (1602 and 2004) circuit
Note that the internal oscillator of the microcontroller is used and MCLR (pin 1) pin is configured as an input pin.
Interfacing PIC16F887 with LCD display CCS C code:
/* PIC16F887 interfacing with 1602 (16x2) and 2004 (20x4) LCDs example CCS C code
   with shift left and shift right
   Internal oscillator used @ 4MHz

//LCD module connections
#define LCD_RS_PIN PIN_D0
#define LCD_RW_PIN PIN_D1
#define LCD_DATA4 PIN_D3
#define LCD_DATA5 PIN_D4
#define LCD_DATA6 PIN_D5
#define LCD_DATA7 PIN_D6
//End LCD module connections

#include <16F887.h>
#use delay(clock = 4MHz)
#include <lcd.c>

unsigned int8 i;
void lcd_shift_left(){
  lcd_send_byte(0,0x18);                         // Shift left command
void lcd_shift_right(){
  lcd_send_byte(0,0x1E);                         // Shift right command
void main(){
  setup_oscillator(OSC_4MHZ);                    // Set the internal oscillator to 4MHz
  lcd_init();                                    // Initialize LCD module
  lcd_putc('\f');                                // Clear LCD
  lcd_gotoxy(2, 1);                              // Go to column 2 row 1
  lcd_putc("PIC16F887");                         // Display "PIC16F887"
  delay_ms(1000);                                // Wait 1 second
  lcd_gotoxy(1, 2);                              // Go to column 1 row 2
  lcd_putc("LCD example");
  lcd_gotoxy(21, 1);                             // Go to column 1 row 3
  lcd_putc("Hello world!");
  for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
    lcd_shift_right();                           // Shift right
  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    lcd_shift_left();                            // Shift left
  for(i = 0; i < 200; i++){
    lcd_gotoxy(25, 2);                           // Go to column 5 row 4
    printf(lcd_putc,"%3u",i);                    // Write i with 3 numbers max
  while(TRUE);                                   // Endless loop
Simulation video:
This video shows the simulation using Proteus software.

Source code, hex and simulation files can be downloaded from the following link: