The LM35 output has linear +10mV/°C scale factor means the following:
If the output voltage = 10mV ---> temperature = 1°C
If the output voltage = 100mV ---> temperature = 10°C
If the output voltage = 200mV ---> temperature = 20°C
If the output voltage = 370mV ---> temperature = 37°C
and so on.
LM35 Futures (from datasheet):
- Calibrated Directly in ° Celsius (Centigrade)
- Linear + 10 mV/°C Scale Factor
- 0.5°C Ensured Accuracy (at +25°C)
- Rated for Full −55°C to +150°C Range
- Suitable for Remote Applications
- Low Cost Due to Wafer-Level Trimming
- Operates from 4 to 30 V
- Less than 60-μA Current Drain
- Low Self-Heating, 0.08°C in Still Air
- Nonlinearity Only ±¼°C Typical
- Low Impedance Output, 0.1 Ω for 1 mA Load
Hardware Required:
- PIC16F877A microcontroller
- LM35 temperature sensor -- datasheet
- 1602 LCD screen
- 8MHz crystal
- 2 x 22pF ceramic capacitor
- 10K ohm variable resistor
- Breadboard
- 5V voltage source
- Jumper wires
The output of the LM35 temperature sensor is connected to analog channel 0 (AN0) of the PIC16F877A.
In this example the microcontroller runs with crystal oscillator @ 8MHz.
Interfacing PIC16F877A with LM35 temperature sensor C code:
The C code below was tested with CCS PIC C compiler version 5.051.
Reading voltage quantity using the ADC gives us a number between 0 and 1023 (10-bit resolution), 0V is represented by 0 and 5V is represented by 1023. Converting back the ADC digital value is easy and we can use the following equation for that conversion:
Voltage (in Volts) = ADC reading * 5 / 1023
Multiplying the previous result by 100 (LM35 scale factor is 10mV/°C = 0.01V/°C) will gives the actual temperature:
Temperature(°C) = ADC reading * 0.489
where 0.489 = 500 / 1023
/* Interfacing PIC16F877A with LM35 analog temperature sensor CCS C code. Read LM35 datasheet to understand the code! */ //LCD module connections #define LCD_RS_PIN PIN_D0 #define LCD_RW_PIN PIN_D1 #define LCD_ENABLE_PIN PIN_D2 #define LCD_DATA4 PIN_D3 #define LCD_DATA5 PIN_D4 #define LCD_DATA6 PIN_D5 #define LCD_DATA7 PIN_D6 //End LCD module connections #include <16F877A.h> #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #device ADC=10 #use delay(clock = 8MHz) #include <lcd.c> char temperature[] = " 00.0 C"; unsigned int16 temp; void main(){ setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL); // ADC Module uses its internal oscillator setup_adc_ports(AN0); // Configure AN0 pin as analog set_adc_channel(0); // Select channel 0 (AN0) lcd_init(); // Initialize LCD module lcd_putc('\f'); // Clear LCD lcd_gotoxy(3, 1); // Go to column 3 row 1 printf(lcd_putc, "Temperature:"); while(TRUE){ delay_ms(1000); temp = read_adc() * 0.489; // Read analog voltage and convert it to degree celsius (0.489 = 500/1023) if (temp > 99) temperature[0] = 1 + 48; // Put 1 (of hundred) else temperature[0] = ' '; // Put space temperature[1] = (temp / 10) % 10 + 48; temperature[2] = temp % 10 + 48; temperature[5] = 223; // Degree symbol lcd_gotoxy(5, 2); // Go to column 5 row 2 printf(lcd_putc, temperature); // Display LM35 temperature result } }Interfacing PIC16F877A with LM35 videos:
The video below shows a simple hardware circuit of our example.
And the following video shows the simulation.