Microchip PIC16F84A Microcontroller Projects

Interfacing PIC16F84A with SD card
Software UART for PIC16F84A microcontroller
PIC16F84A with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor example
NEC Remote control decoder with PIC16F84A
Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with stepper motor
Interfacing PIC16F84A with DHT22 digital humidity and temperature sensor CCS PIC C
Interfacing PIC16F84A with DS1307 real time clock
PIC16F84A + DHT22(AM2302, RHT03) sensor Proteus simulation
PIC16F84A + DHT11 Proteus simulation
DC motor control with PIC16F84A and L293D
RC5 IR remote control decoder with PIC16F84A and CCS PIC C
DC Motor speed and direction control with PIC16F84A using H-bridge
DC motor speed control using PIC16F84A and CCS PIC C
LCD interfacing with PIC16F84A using CCS PIC C compiler
Interfacing PIC16F84A with multiplexed 7-Segment display with shift register
4-Digit 7-segmant display counter using PIC16F84A and CCS PIC C compiler
PIC16F84A Enable PORTB internal pull-ups
PIC16F84A Timer0 interrupt
PIC16F84A PORTB interrupt on change (IOC) example
PIC16F84A external interrupt example
PIC16F84A blink LED using push button
PIC16F84A LED blink