CD-ROM bipolar stepper motor drive with PIC16F84A and CCS PIC C compiler
This topic shows circuit schematic and C code for interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with CD-ROM bipolar stepper motor.Related Topics:
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The following circuit schematic shows the connection between the microcontroller PIC16F84A and the stepper motor where a dual H-bridge circuit which is L293D chip is used between them.
![Interfacing PIC16F84A with stepper motor circuit CCS PIC C Interfacing PIC16F84A with stepper motor circuit CCS PIC C](
The two pushbuttons are used to choose motor rotation direction.
Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with stepper motor CCS PIC C code:
The motor speed is fixed by the code but we can change it by changing the delay between the four phases.
// Interfacing PIC16F84A with CD-ROM bipolar stepper motor CCS C code // // #include <16F84A.h> #fuses HS,NOWDT,PUT,NOPROTECT #use delay(clock = 8000000) #use fast_io(A) #use fast_io(B) void main() { output_a(0); set_tris_a(0); port_b_pullups(TRUE); output_b(0); set_tris_b(3); while(TRUE) { output_a(0); while(!input(PIN_B0)) { output_a(0b00000110); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00000101); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00001001); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00001010); delay_ms(5); } while(!input(PIN_B1)) { output_a(0b00000101); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00000110); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00001010); delay_ms(5); output_a(0b00001001); delay_ms(5); } } }
Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with stepper motor video: The following video shows a hardware circuit of this project.